Deep Cleanreleased “Deep Clean” is a scifi, comedic, horror, short film directed by Matt Harlock and written by Krent Able and Matt Harlock. It was produced by Mike Chapman, Matt Harlock, Aaron Lee Marshall and Rebekah Renford. It stars Paul Kaye, Tony Way, Joshua Glenister, Shaquille Ali-Yebua, Simon Lukacs, Laura Evelyn and Amy Devlin….
A Crimson Manreleased “A Crimson Man” is a scifi, short film produced by Jeff Berger, David Giegerich, Jordan Lietz, Kate Pappa, Gary Podell, Tracy Wu and Mike Pappa who also wrote and directed it. It stars Craig Stark, Maddox Henry, Eric VanArsdale, Daniel Clarkson, Joe Burch, John Gaydos, Malay Kim, JOe Balint, Jacob Black,…
Star Wars – Darth PlagueisWritten by James “Star Wars – Darth Plagueis” is a scifi novel that takes place in the Star Wars Universe. It was written by James Luceno, who has authored many books in the Star Wars Universe including “The Rise Of Darth Vader”. “Star Wars – Darth Plagueis” takes place in…
The Good Placereleased “The Good Place” is an American, fantasy, comedy, TV series produced by a talented bunch that includes David Hyman, Megan Amram, Drew Goddard, Joe Mande, David Miner, Dylan Morgan, Morgan Sackett and Michael Schur, who also contributed as a writer and director. It was also directed by a group of talented…
The Changing ViewerInk2Quill October 2019 Editorial The changing viewer in all forms of media is here. The consumer of ideas, opinions, artisitic expressions, goods and services has changed its habits, or more precisely, the way it conducts its consumption. The viewer, as we know it, was born from an age when information and ideas became…