Manhattan Nightreleased “Manhattan Night” is an American, crime, thriller film based on the novel called “Manhattan Nocturne” written by Colin Harrison. It was produced by Adrien Brody, Brian Decubellis, Steve Klinsky, Jennifer Beals, Colin Harrison and a few others. The screenplay was written by Brian Decubellis who also directed it. It stars Adrien Brody,…
Fargoreleased 1996www.ink2quill “Fargo” is an American, crime, sinister comedy, thriller produced, directed and written by the Coen Brothers, Joel and Ethan Coen. It stars William H. Macy, Steve Buscemi, Kristin Rudrud, Peter Stormare, Harve Presnell, Tony Denman, Gary Houston, Sally Wingert, Kurt Schweickhardt, Larissa Kokernot, Melissa Peterman, Steve Reevis, Warren Keith, Steve Edelman, Sharon Anderson,…
Invasion Of The Body Snatchersreleased “Invasion Of The Body Snatchers” is an American, scifi, horror, mystery produced by Walter Mirisch and Walter Wanger and directed by Don Siegel. It was written by Daniel Mainwaring, Jack Finney and Richard Collins. It stars Kevin McCarthy, Dana Wynter, Larry Gates, King Donovan, Carolyn Jones, Jean Wills, Ralph…
Pandemic´s End: Life After A PandemicMay 2020 I´m looking ahead here. Epidemics and Pandemics have always been around, especially in our western culture. They have come and they have gone, like hurricanes, tornadoes and serious thunderstorms. While they rage, we think they will never end and when they are over society is shaken, in…