No Country For Old MenWritten by Cormac “No Country For Old Men” is an American drug, crime novel written by Cormac McCarthy. It is more than just a crime novel though. The title of the novel is taken from the line of a W. B. Yeats poem called “Sailing To Byzantium”. A very successful…
Foundationreleased “Foundation” is an American, sci-fi streaming series based on the Isaac Asimov Foundation Series with a ginormous caste of very talented people. This streaming series has one of the largest size cast of workers I have ever seen in a streaming series. It’s a really good thing to see so many highly talented…
The Unexpected A.I.Written by John We all have our ideas what A.I. should be like, what it should develop into, and how it should be of service to us. We also have an idea of being overshadowed and consumed by A.I. The scifi genre is in a sinister phase where most depictions of A.I….
Digital money is a little like owning a house without any windows or doors where institutions and even employers can just walk in and look around, even take what they deem they have a right to.
Master Of The World: Maître du mondeWritten by Jules “Master Of The World: Maître du monde” is one of Jules Verne’s last novels published in 1904. The French novelist Jules Verne along with the likes of H.G. Wells, Mary Shelley and a few others are considered the parents of the sci-fi genre for the…