SCP Foundation: SCP 4661- Sin CityJohn The way I see it the SCP Foundation is a different of telling stories, more precisely of the sci-fi and horror genre of stories. The stories are narrated by the same voice and and come from the files of a strange foundation, called the SCP Foundation, who seeks…
The Horror GenreJohn The horror genre is one of the most popular and well liked in all of entertainment and storytelling. Whether you love it or not, having a movie give you goosebumps or make you squirm in your seat, is an interesting thing these stories can do. Movies like “Silence Of The Lambs”,…
Happy New Year 2025John People automatically think of things like weight loss, better money management, cleaning the attic or basement, doing taxes early, calling mean relatives and wishing them well, joining a gym, updating your booklist for the year, setting up doctors and dentist appointments, maybe even planting a tree or cleaning the gutters…