28 Days Later
February 22, 2014 by admin_name

(released 2002)
”28 Days Later” is a zombie movie that takes place in London, England and stars Cilian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Brendan Gleeson, Megan Burns and Christopher Eccleston. It was directed by Danny Boyle and the screenplay was written by Alex Garland. Zombie movies are almost always fun and this one has a good story too.
The story begins when a bicycle messenger awakes from a coma to find the world completely abandoned. It seems to him that everybody has disappeared. The story unfolds as he discovers others who are not infected and together they seek safety. Of course the zombie plague was unleashed by activists and created by scientists.
One of the appeals of zombie movies is the state of anarchy the characters find themselves in and how they handle themselves. The world suddenly becomes a dangerous place and the uninfected find themselves fleeing for their lives. The viewer asks themselves questions such as, how do you handle a complete collapse of society? What would you do?
Zombie movies are almost always entertaining to watch and come in a wide variety of sub-genres. From the comical and dopey to the serious and tragic. They can include moments of intense gore, for those who like that, and hair raising close calls between the uninfected and the zombies. Zombie plagues are almost always a result of human stupidity or arrogance and result in a total collapse of society. These are the elements to a good zombie movie and ”28 Days Later” combines the more serious elements into a great story with fine acting.
This is a good movie with a good story, and for this reason I highly recommend it. It is definitely a must-see and own.
(Commentary by www.ink2quill.com )
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