30 Days Of Night
August 8, 2019 by admin_name

30 Days Of Night
released 2007
“30 Days Of Night” is an American, sci-fi, horror, action film based on the comic book of the same name by Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith. It was produced by Sam Raimi, Robert Tapert and directed by David Slade. The screenplay was written by Steve Niles, Stuart Beattie and Brian Nelson. The cast of talented actors include Josh Hartnett, Melissa George, Danny Huston, Ben Foster, Mark Boone Junior, Mark Rendall, Amber Sainsbury, Manu Bennett, Megan Franich, Joel Tobeck, Elizabeth Hawthorne and Nathaniel Lees.
“30 Days Of Night” is the story of a town up north in Barrow, Alaska getting ready for 30 days of night when the sun disappears for 30 days of freezing night. It is a small, isolated community in the coldest part of their freezing winter surprised and overrun by an evil, supernatural force. This is the story of a community surprised by terror just as they are about to hibernate for a month without sunlight. Everything sets off when the town´s communications are lost and the townspeople find themselves truly isolated from any chance of help. No surprise a group of hungry vampires has come to town looking for a winter´s meal.
“30 Days Of Night” is a great story because it keeps things simple. The town is a run down place in the middle of nowhere and the people are flawed and really not that impressive. They´re simple people caught in a dangerous situation. Stories where simple people are called upon or compelled to be heroes are so often a good watch and this film is no exception. The Sheriff Eben Oleson, played by Josh Hartnett, is so well done without any of the trite exaggerations so many action film heroes have. I loved the vampire Marlow, played by Danny Huston. The acting was superb.
I always love the theme of a man or woman coming up against the supernatural. I thought the quote of the vampire Marlow described the decaying situation well enough when he said “When a man meets a force he cannot destroy, he destroys himself.” Although, to be more accurate, I would have taken a more Lovecraftian quote like. “When a man or woman meets a force he or she cannot destroy, that person losses their mind and seeks their sanity in death´s embrace.” (That´s not a direct quote from H.P Lovecraft it´s my own but it sums up humanity´s terror in front of the supernatural.)
Check out “30 Days Of Night” because it´s a good horror flick with a good story, fine acting and a great script.

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