A Day Of Loss

September 12, 2024 by admin_name

A Day Of Loss
John Ink2Quill

It’s no coincidence that these ideas came to me a day after the anniversary of 9-11 in New York City back in 2001. That was a terrible attack on a city just starting their day. My heart goes out to the brave first responders, fire fighters and people who endured that tragedy.

Some cultures and religions have days for the dead. They commemorate them with altars and walks to the cemetery. I’ve seen this traveling in Europe and in South American countries on TV. It’s a way of acknowledging a loss, grieving and also taking back back a piece of what was lost from someone that gave fond memories to their community. I get that. It makes sense to me. And I think I agree with it, although I do not know enough about that kind of grieving to ne sure. Some people say that the dead should lie in peace. Bury them and let them go from ones thoughts and worry forever. That sounds like good advice too because it’s all about moving forward. It’s all about not being stuck in the past. Right?

Whichever way a person deals with their loss is probably good for them. To each his/ her/ their own, as the expression goes because nobody has found the conclusive, definite answer to the question of how to deal with grief and loss. So, we muddle our way through it, get advice from those around us and trudge on. And maybe that’s the way to deal with it. Maybe it’s a process, a journey, one must take where one starts off very lost and finds their way as they move along – au fur et à mesure, like the French say.

So, many of life’s challenges, the ones that really matter are a question of us finding our way as we move along – au fur et à mesure.

That’s all I’ve got for today. Take care of yourselves and good luck.

John Ink2Quill

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