A New Digital Market

October 17, 2024 by admin_name

A New Digital Market
John Ink2Quill

So, more and more brick and mortar stores are closing in the US, mainly NYC. Many big name businesses are shuttering their stores and some are even going out of business. But, all is not doom and gloom in the business world. New markets are opening online. Think of digital malls and the types of worlds they will prosper in.

This digital world of markets, shops, towns even is getting closer to us, the consumer. Pretty soon we will have avatars that inhabit these worlds, and that do our shopping for goods and services both in the digital and real world. Pretty soon we will travel to these digital worlds and they will be as strange as different as our imaginations can dream up. We will travel to these worlds with a far greater ease than traveling to any country or state. We might wear a helmet or enter a type of holo-room. Or it might be something entirely different than what we can imagine today. I’m talking about the limits of our imagination here.

Or, we could even make replica cities, at various time periods with far greater detail and excitement than any Las Vegas or Macau could offer us. I believe in the power of the human imagination to take us to place and experiences we cannot conceive yet. Think of the new artists that create these worlds that are full of strangeness taken directly from a creative person’s mind. What a trip!

The scifi, fantasy genres have given us a taste of this but we have yet to be able to immerse ourselves in it completely. Picture your avatar putting on tanks to breath under water and swimming down to a series of bubbles deep under the waves of a violent sea. Now, picture your avatar shopping for shoes you intend to wear in the real world. Your avatar is shopping for a new style of shoes found only in this remote location of the digital world. Picture your avatar navigating dangers while the swim down to these underwater bubbles. That in and of itself might be a fun time shopping. And who said that men do not enjoy shopping? The creative potential for these worlds seems infinite.

SO, why do we not see this today? Why not yet? Well, the answer is simple. We need to further upgrade our technologies like computers and their memory capabilities. And, we also need the will. Yes, the will and determination to spend long hours on this project because once a single person creates a world, or town with relative success the floodgates for everyone else to do so will burst open and we will have an exponential growth of this world.

That’s my rambling for today.

John Ink2Quill

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