Ad Aurum

June 8, 2023 by admin_name

Ad Aurum:
Omnes Sequimur
John Ink2Quill Editiorial

The things we value are always, most of the time, at the top of our minds. They are at the forefront of our thoughts and concerns. We worry about the people we love, our finances and our health. We also worry about our goals and responsibilities, our deadlines and all the things we have to take care of and maintain. These aren’t necessarily bad worries to have either and it is one of the building blocks to the creation of a good person.

However, is it healthy or good to always chase the gold, so to speak? Is it healthy to value everything in terms of gold? Giving everything and everyone a value in gold has led to many problems and taken societies who have offended to bad places. It has led to fascist governments, tyrannical monarchies and other bad forms of government.

A pessimist once told me that all governments, in general, see their citizens as pieces of gold. Some people are worth more others less and woe onto those that do not have a high enough value to their governments. People with a low value in their societies are usually badly treated and they don’t have access to the resources the other members of society have. They are called “low value people”. This is a sad truth and there is a valuable lesson to be learned. Chasing the gold can lead a person to put a number on everything and even everyone in their lives. This is so wrong and we should not tolerate a society that treats its people badly or assigns them a value. Unfortunately, one of the disadvantages of A.I. is that this will most likely be attempted with greater vigor than ever before.

We are already in the age where a person’s value is given a number cashable in gold. Some countries are more bold about it than others. Some countries let a person see their number. In the US this number started with a person’s credit score and it has now moved onto personal scores much more pernicious. In other countries a person cannot travel, get a good job and pays more for things if they do not have a high enough personal score. Basically, their cost of living is higher and their quality of life sinks.

The lesson in all of this is to understand that not all things should be and can be given a value in gold. So let’s keep gold in the markets, industry and business where it belongs and out of our social arenas. A person’s value should never ever be quantified in gold. After all the Mona Lisa isn’t.

Written by John Ink2Quill

I2Q Blogs / Opinions A.I. / editorial / ink2quill / john / quill /


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