Bitter Root Volume 1: Family Business
January 27, 2022 by admin_name

Bitter Root Volume 1: Family Business
By David F. Walker, Chuck Brown, Sanford Greene
“Bitter Root Volume 1: Family Business” is a scifi, super hero, comic book series by David F. Walker, written by Chuck Brown with the art by Sanford Greene. The series was released in May 2019 with new volumes coming out every year. The second volume being “Bitter Root Volume 2: Rage & Redemption” released in 2020 and the latest being “Bitter Root Volume 3: Legacy” released in 2021. This series combines the supernatural with the action genre all in a family business. This is expected to be a five part comic series but I would not be surprised if it was extended.
Bitter Root Series Goodreads webpage
“Bitter Root Volume 1: Family Business” takes place in a Harlem, New York in desperate need of saving from supernatural forces that could engulf the world. The heros of this story are the Sangerye Family who were once the greatest monster hunters around but have diminished as of the story. Members of the Sangerye family include the large and cerebral Berg, the uncertain but capable Cullen, the spunky Blink and Ma Etta. At the start of the story the cousins are fighting off a demonic creature known as a Jinoo whom they defeat and whose soul they save with their fif ‘ no serum.
I loved the artwork of this comic. The mix of colors and the drawing of the characters really take us to a dynamic Harlem full of soul. Good artwork in comics and graphic novels is really something that is not given enough credit. It really is taken for granted and not noticed until it is done badly and that is a shame. Kuddos to the artwork.
John Ink2Quill

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