Robot BandsNovember 2022 John Ink2Quill What is the purpose and impact of Entertainment, Art and all other forms of expression by people for people? Now that may be a broad question for the philosophers, great and not so great thinkers, sociologists and even archeologists. Yes, archeologists because so much art from previous societies, civilizations…
Amsterdamreleased “Amsterdam” is a historical fiction, comedy, thriller, presidential conspiracy film produced by Christian Bale, Matthew Budman, Drake, Sam Hanson, Anthony Katagas, Arnon Milchan, Yariv Milchan, Adel Future Nur, Daivd O. Russell and Michael Schaefer. It was written and directed by David O. Russell and stars a large cast which includes Chrisitian Bale, Margot…
My Top Ten – Part 2October So, here’s the top ten according to me. Keep in mind that this list is just my opinion and I am sure that so many works of art that belong on this list are not. Think of this as more of a must-read list of the scifi genre….
My Top Ten, Part 1John There are so many great masterpieces in the scifi genre and that list continues to grow thanks to the up and coming writers of today. Everybody’s top ten list of scifi is different with sometimes wide variations in choice. But, but, but… There is a common consensus when it…
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House Of The Dragonreleased “The House Of The Dragon” is an American, Scifi, fantasy TV/streaming series which is the prequel series to the incredibly popular and so well done “Game Of Thrones” series based on “The Song Of Ice And Fire” novel series written by George R. R. Martin. The series is based on…