Civil Warreleased “Civil War” is a dystopian, thriller, journalist, fiction film produced by Elisa Alvares, Timo Argillander, Danny Cohen, Gregory Goodman, Eric Heffron, Andrew Macdonald, Allon Reich, Kenneth Yu and Joanne Smith and is directed and written by Alex Garland. It stars Nick Offerman, Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Jefferson White, Nelson Lee, Evan Lai,…
The Watchersreleased “The Watchers/ The Watched” is a UK and Irish Scifi, supernatural horror, suspense film written and directed by Ishana Night Shyamalan, the daughter of the great M. Night Shyamalan. It is based on a novel of the same name written by A. M. Shine. It was produced by Stephen Dembitzer, Shuni Chopra…
Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apesreleased “Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes” is an action, sci-fi American film produced by Wes Ball, Peter Chernin, Jenno Topping, Amanda Silver, Jason Reed, Rick Jaffa and Joe Hartwick Jr. The screenplay was written by Josh Friedman, Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver and directed by Wes Ball….
Alphonsereleased “Alphonse” is a French comedy, drama series produced by Cyrille Bragnier and Alain Goldman written by Nicolas Bedos, who also directed it, and Jean Dujardin. It stars Pierre Arditi, Marie-Christine Barrault, Francine Berge, Jean Dujardin, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Nicole Garcia, Laura Morante, Myriem Akheddiou, Denis Ardant, Thomas Arnaud, Lily Aubry, Alice Aufray, Lubna Azabal,…
American Rustreleased “American Rust” is an American, crime, drama mini series produced by Dan Futterman, Jeff Daniels, Michael De Luca, Katie O’Connell, Adam Rapp, Alvaro Rodriguez, Elisa Ellis, Jessica Brickman, David Fortier, Lee Shipman, Brian McGreevy, Paul J. Martino, Ivan Schneeberg, Nick Nantell, Jim McKay, Ted Malawer and many more. It was directed by…
Scent Of A Womanreleased “Scent Of A Woman” is an American, drama, coming-of-age film produced by Martin Brest who also directed the film, G. Mac Brown and Ronald L. Schwary. It was written by Giovanni Arpino, Bo Glodman, Ruggero Maccari and Dino Risi. It stars a long cast of talent actors who include Al…
Shogunreleased “Shogun” is an Japanese, American historical fiction, action, drama mini series produced by Edward L. McDonnell, Hiroyuki Sanada, Erin Smith, Jamie Vega Wheeler, Tom Winchester, Shannon Goss, Michaela Clavell, Michael De Luca, Rachel Kondo, Andrew Macdonald, Justin Marks, Eriko Miyagawa, Allon Reich, Timothy Van Patten and Eugene Kelly. It was written by James…
Bad Vegan: Fame, Fraud. Fugitivesreleased “Bad Vegan: Fame, Fraud. Fugitives” is an American, semi-pseudo docuseries produced by Mark Emms, Ryann Fraser and Chris Smith who also directed it. The cast includes Sarma Melngailis, Allen Salkin, Ilze Melngailis, Bonnie Crocker, John Melngailis, Joey Repice, Nikki King Bennett, Jim Switzer, Jeffrey Chodorow, Maiquen Saez-Vega, Andrew Elliot,…
It’s great to be here.
Godzilla Minus Onereleased “Godzilla Minus One” is a Japanese, sci-fi, adventure, monster film produced by Go Abe, Shuji Abe, Minami Ichikawa, Kazuaki Kishida, Keiichiro Moriya, Hirofumi Sakurai, Hisashi Usui and Kenji Yamada. It was written and directed by Takashi Yamazaki with the original creator being Ishiro Honda and Takeo Murata. It stars Minami Hamabe,…