American Fictionreleased “American Fiction” is an American, family drama, comedy produced by Rian Johnson, Ram Bergman, Michael Bowes, Nikos Karamigios, Ben LeClair, Hannah Offer, Lenny Payan, Dan Watson, Percival Everett, Bruce Wayne Gillis, Jermaine Johnson, and Cord Jefferson among others. It was also directed by Cord Johnson who co-wrote the screenplay with Percival Everett….
Leave The World Behindreleased “Leave The World Behind” is an American, post-apocalyptic, thriller, survivalist film produced by President Barak Obama, the First Lady Michelle Obama, Rumaan Alam, Adam Brightman, Tonia Davis, Daniel Stillman, Julia Roberts, Nick Krishnamurthy, Chad Hamilton, Lisa Roberts Gillan, Marisa Yeres Gill, Sam Esmail and more. It was also directed and…
The Killerreleased “The Killer” is an American, action, suspense, thriller produced by Cean Chaffin, William Doyle, Peter Mavromates and Alexandra Milchan. It was directed by David Fincher and written by Alexis Nolent, Luc Jacamon and Andrew Kevin Walker. It stars Michael Fassbender, Tida Swinton, Charles Parnell, Arliss Howard, Kerry O’Malley, Sophie Charlotte, Emiliano Pernia,…
Foundationreleased “Foundation” is an American, sci-fi streaming series based on the Isaac Asimov Foundation Series with a ginormous caste of very talented people. This streaming series has one of the largest size cast of workers I have ever seen in a streaming series. It’s a really good thing to see so many highly talented…
Breaking Bad quote describing Saul:
We don’t need a criminal lawyer. We need a “criminal lawyer”.
Nine Perfect Strangersreleased “Nine Perfect Strangers” is an American mystery, suspense, drama streaming series produced by Nicole Kidman, Molly Allen, Gillian Bohrer, John-Henry Butterworth, T. Rafael Cimino, Steve Hutensky, David E. Kelley, Jonathan Levine, Jodi Matterson, Melissa McCarthy, Liane Moriarty, Bruna Papandrea, Mark Rodgers, Per Saari, Jessica Sharzer, Lori Slomka, Samantha Strauss, Mathew Tinker,…
The End Of The Day A man is living his last day on Earth before leaving for the stars.
Paradise Beachreleased “Paradise Beach” is a French, action, heist, thriller produced by Isaac Sharry, Philippe Aigle, Severine Lathuilliere and Bruno Petit. It was directed by Xavier Durringer who also wrote the screenplay with Jean Miez. It stars Sami Bouajila, Tewfik Jallab, Melanie Doutey, Hugo Becker, Kool Shen, Hubert Kounde, Seth Gueko, Flore Bonaventura, Nessbeal,…
The Cleanerreleased “The Cleaner” is a British, comedy TV series based on the German comedy “Der Tartoreiniger”. It was produced by Ben Caudell, Vivien Muller-Rommel, Alex Moody, Sam Ward and Sarah Fraser. It was directed by Tom Marshall, Alex Winckler and Dominic Brigstocke. Credits have to go out to the writers who are Greg…
Ex Machinareleased “Ex Machina” is an American, scifi, AI thriller film produced by Eli Bush, Andrew Macdonald, Allon Reich, Tessa Ross, Scott Rudin, Caroline Levy and directed and written by Alex Garland. It stars Oscar Isaac, Domhnall Glesson, Alicia Vikander, Sonoya Mizuno, Corey Johnson, Claire Shelby, Symara A. Templeman, Gana Bayarsaikhan, Tiffany Pisani, Elina…