Ex Machinareleased 2014www.ink2quill.com “Ex Machina” is an American, scifi, AI thriller film produced by Eli Bush, Andrew Macdonald, Allon Reich, Tessa Ross, Scott Rudin, Caroline Levy and directed and written by Alex Garland. It stars Oscar Isaac, Domhnall Glesson, Alicia Vikander, Sonoya Mizuno, Corey Johnson, Claire Shelby, Symara A. Templeman, Gana Bayarsaikhan, Tiffany Pisani, Elina…
Picardreleased 2020-2023www.imk2quill.com “Picard” is a scifi, action TV series with probably the largest cast of talented people I have seen. After all, it is the Star Trek franchise. It was produced by Akiva Goldsman, Alex Kurtzman, Patrick Stewart (Yes, Captain Picard himself.), Douglas Aarniokoski, Heather Kadin, Michael Chabon, Rod Roddenberry, Trevor Roth, Jason Michael Zimmerman,…
Flawlessreleased 2007www.ink2quill.com “Flawless” is a history, diamond heist, crime and social awareness movie produced by Natalia Malkin, Vitaly Malkin, Stephen Margolis, Michael A. Pierce, Mark Williams and Lisa Wilson. Now today at year’s end of 2022 we still don’t have a name for the category of film that deals with disturbing social issues, so let’s…
Avenue 5released 2021www.ink2quill.com “Avenue 5” is a scifi, comedy, TV series produced by a large group which includes the likes of Will Smith, Tony Roche, Kevin Loader, Armando Iannucci, Steve Clark-Hall, Simon Blackwell, Becky Martin, Peter Fellows, Katy Bishop and many others. It was directed by Annie Griffin, David Schneider, William Stefan Smith, Natalie Bailey,…
Amsterdamreleased 2022www.ink2quill.com “Amsterdam” is a historical fiction, comedy, thriller, presidential conspiracy film produced by Christian Bale, Matthew Budman, Drake, Sam Hanson, Anthony Katagas, Arnon Milchan, Yariv Milchan, Adel Future Nur, Daivd O. Russell and Michael Schaefer. It was written and directed by David O. Russell and stars a large cast which includes Chrisitian Bale, Margot…
House Of The Dragonreleased 2022www.ink2quill.com “The House Of The Dragon” is an American, Scifi, fantasy TV/streaming series which is the prequel series to the incredibly popular and so well done “Game Of Thrones” series based on “The Song Of Ice And Fire” novel series written by George R. R. Martin. The series is based on…
Bullet Trainreleased 2022www.ink2quill.com “Bullet Train” is an American, action, comedy film produced by Antoine Fuqua, David Leitch, Kelly McCormick, Brittany Morrissey, Brent O’Connor, Ryosuke Saegusa, Kat Samick and Yuma Terada. It was directed by David Leitch and the screenplay was written by Zak Olkewicz and it was based on the book by Kotaro Isaka named…
DelicieuxDeliciousreleased 2021www.ink2quill.com “Delicieux / Delicious” is a French, historical fiction, comedy film produced by Philip Boeffard, Patrick Quinet and Christophe Rossignon and directed by Nicolas Boukhrief and Eric Besnard who also wrote the screenplay. It stars Gregory Gadebois, Isabelle Carre, Benjamin Lavernhe, Guillaume de Tonqedec, Christian Bouillette, Lorenzo Lefebvre, Marie-Julie Baup, Laurent Bateau, Manon Combes,…
Nopereleased 2022www.ink2quill.com “Nope” is an American, Scifi, partly comedic, horror film produced by Ian Cooper, Robert Graf, Jordan Peele, Win Rosenfeld, David Torres and Karen Ruth Getchell. It was directed and written by Jordan Peele and stars Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer, Brandon Perea, Michael Wincott, Steven Yuen, Wrenn Schmidt, Keith David, Devon Graye, Terry Notary,…
The Lost Cityreleased 2022www.ink2quill.com “The Lost City” is an American, action, romance, adventure, treasure hunting film that is essentially a love story. It was produced by Margaret Chernin, Sandra Bullock, Liza Chasin, Julia Gunn, Jonathan Hook, Seth Gordon and Charlie Endean. It was written by Seth Gordon, Oren Uziel, Dana Fox, and Adam and Aaron…