The Thingreleased “The Thing” is an American, scifi, action, horror, thriller film produced by Wilbur Stark, Lawrence Turman and David Foster. It was directed by John Carpenter and the screenplay was written by Bill Lancaster. It was taken after a novella named “Who Goes There?” written by John W. Campbell Jr. It stars Kurt…
Star Trek – Deep Space Ninereleased 1993 – “Star Trek – Deep Space Nine” is an American, Scifi, action, TV series produced by Rick Berman, Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler and many others. There are equally so many directors, writers and actors. Among some of the actors are Avery Brooks, Rene Auberjonois, Cirroc Lofton,…
Logan`s Runreleased “Logan´s Run” is an American, action, scifi, dystopian film produced by Saul David and Hugh Benson. Directed by Michael Anderson and written by David Zwelag Goodman, who wrote the screenplay and William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson who wrote the book of the same name the film is based on. It…
Star Warsreleased “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope” is an American, scifi, adventure, classic that set off the hugely successful franchise of books, movies, comics, digital comics, blog content creators, theme park rides and the list goes on. The `Star Wars´ franchise, as it´s called, is one of the most successful franchises…
Zerozerozeroreleased “Zerozerozero” is an action, crime, drama web, television series based on a book of the same name written by Roberto Saviano. It was created by Stephano Sollima, Leonardo Fasoli and Mauricio Katz. It was directed by Janus Metz, Pablo Trapero and Stephano Sollima and was written by Leonardo Fasoli, Mauricio Katz, Roberto Saviano…
The Islandreleased “The Island” is an American, scifi, adventure, action, thriller film produced by Michael Bay, Ian Bryce, Laurie MacDonald and Walter F. Parkes. It was directed by Michael Bay and written by Caspian Tredwell-Owen, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci and it stars a very large cast of talented actors that include Ewan Mcgregor,…
The Fifth Elementreleased “The Fifth Element” is an English language, French scifi film directed by Luc Besson who also cowrote it with Robert Mark Kamen. It was produced by Patrice Ledoux, Ian Smith and John A. Amicarella. It stars Gary Oldman, Bruce Willis, Ian Holm, Milla Jovovich, Chris Tucker, Luke Perry, Brion James, Tom…
Thrawn Full Audio Comicreleased “Star Wars: Thrawn” is a comic book series published by Marvel Comics and written by Jody Houser, illustrated by Luke Ross. It is a limited comic book series that takes place between “Star Wars episode III: Revenge Of The Sith” and “Star Wars episode IV : A New Hope” and…
Milla´s Sense Of Snowreleased “Milla´s Sense Of Snow” is a German-Danish, action, scifi, corporate murder, mystery, thriller based on the novel “Miss Smilla´s Feeling For Ice” written by Peter Hoeg. The screenplay was written by Ann Biderman. It was produced by Bernd Eichinger, Martin Moskowicz, Dieter Meyer, Rosanne Korenberg and Thomas Heinesen. It was…
Raised By Wolvesreleased “Raised By Wolves” is an American, scifi, survivalist drama, produced by Heather Bellson, Chris Cheramie, Jon Kuyper, Jordan Sheehan, David W. Zucker, Karen Campbell, Mark Huffam, Aaron Guzikowski and Ridley Scott. It was directed by Luke Scott, Alex Gabassi, Sergio Mimica-Gezzan, James Hawes and Ridley Scott. It was written by Aaron…