Job MarketsJohn Of course the job market is changing very quickly today. The types of job that are in demand and will be in demand in the not-too-distant future are being molded by A.I. The way we do our jobs today and in the not-too-distant future will require the use of A.I. without a…
CyberneticsJohn Many say that technology is not only more and more useful for all of us but advancing at dizzying speed. Let me explain. We have gone from the wheel to the steam engine, printing press to the computer, computer chip, internet and A.I. and beyond. Many people are saying that technologies have reached…
Things Come Full CircleJohn Before the days of all digital screens like TV, electronic billboards, computer screens etc. much information and entertainment came from the radio. You can say that before screens we had the spoken word. It was a period we could say when we had an oral tradition like some cultures in…
The New LookOpinions by John There are so many stories about advances made in the realm of plastic surgery. Some even say that plastic surgery and fashion are in the process of fusing like never before. The truth is that plastic surgery has been around for a very long time. It was much less…
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Humanity’s Biggest ThreatJohn Ink2Quill This opinion is really meant to give an inspiration for anybody constructing a story. So many stories nowadays are trite and contrived. The Sci-fi genre is well known for exploring the various threats the human race faces in the offing. The grandmasters in the genre like H.G. Wells spoke of…
Things Taken For GrantedJohn Ink2Quill We all have things to be thankful for. Most of those things are not even acknowledged. You can speak of clean air, clean water, gravity, some civil liberties and freedoms… for now, but what about industries? What do industries like the film industries have to be thankful for? More…
The Unopened CanWritten by John The A.I. Revolution is well underway and advancing at dizzying speeds. It seems that every tech company wants their own A.I. jinni to speed things along for the user, to make repetitive tasks and tasks you don’t want to spend too much brain power on effortless. Yes because some…
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Emerging Worker TrendsThe New WorkforceJohn Without a doubt the workforce and job markets are changing at a pace most people could not have imagined a few decades ago. Compared to say 2015 we now have a phenomenon which is really more a common practice called remote working and coworkers we now call A.I. From…