The Unopened CanWritten by John The A.I. Revolution is well underway and advancing at dizzying speeds. It seems that every tech company wants their own A.I. jinni to speed things along for the user, to make repetitive tasks and tasks you don’t want to spend too much brain power on effortless. Yes because some…
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Emerging Worker TrendsThe New WorkforceJohn Without a doubt the workforce and job markets are changing at a pace most people could not have imagined a few decades ago. Compared to say 2015 we now have a phenomenon which is really more a common practice called remote working and coworkers we now call A.I. From…
Natural SelectionJohn Darwin is best known for the term “natural selection”. There is so much to be said about the ideas of Natural Selection. It has been so misquoted over time but it also is so wrong in its core ideas. The idea that nature settles everything concerning survival eventually and it will work…
Usual Suspect… Inflation?John Ink2Quill There are so many discussions about inflation nowadays. It is the phenomenon that gets the blame for all the ills of the Western World today. If the taxation systems seem unfair or outdated, well then it’s the fault of inflation because blah, blah, blah. If any of the economies in…
Inflation And DevaluationJohn Ink2Quill There are a lot of talks on inflation nowadays and for good reason. The prices in many Western countries continue to rise as we continue to find metrics that make them look less severe. Inflation to an economist is a little like gravity to a physicist in that it is…
Persistent Ideas To False BeliefsJohn Ink2Quill September 2023 Persistent ideas. There are so many of them. And by persistent ideas I mean thoughts and beliefs that are but should not be held as truths. I read a great book that highlights this idea in the world of baseball called “Moneyball”. I won’t rehash the…
The Unexpected A.I.Written by John We all have our ideas what A.I. should be like, what it should develop into, and how it should be of service to us. We also have an idea of being overshadowed and consumed by A.I. The scifi genre is in a sinister phase where most depictions of A.I….
Digital money is a little like owning a house without any windows or doors where institutions and even employers can just walk in and look around, even take what they deem they have a right to.
Fertility, The Future of…John Ink2Quill The themes of fertility, love and relationships are at the very center of the sci-fi genre. Such is the case with so many other genres also. The most well known stories are the simple ones of man and woman falling in love, or two people falling in love. That…