September RamblingsSeptember The month of September is the usually the begining of fall and the end of the summer season. It’s also the start of what should be an uptick in the retail markets, spending for the holidays which not only includes gifts but spending on travel. It’s when most of us get out…
Sequels And ExpectationsJohn Ink2Quill August 2022 It is an acknowledged fact that Hollywood, the entertainment industry in the US and probably the world, is great at distributing movies and shows and less gifted at creating quality entertainment. This is true of Bollywood, Nigerwood and even the Chinese Entertainment Industry (of which they all produce…
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Happy 4th of So here we are again for my July editorial and it should be no surprise that I post The U.S. Constitution, as always. I do this because it is such an important document. It is one of our nation´s finest achievements we can be proud of and in these times it…
Comic Book CharactersInk2Quill Here are some characters from a NYC comic book convention I attended. John Ink2Quill
Cultural ResultsJune 2022 The hectic lifestyle is really nothing new to people. The fact that we can get results with a few taps of the keyboard is, however, new. We can get more done nowadays thanks to technology but having a list of things to do during the workday is not a new thing…
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The Future Of TravelJohn Ink2Quill April 2022 Here are just some ramblings on things beyond a specific event horizon I don’t see much talked about in the scifi genre. Many have predicted the future of travel with more or less accuracy. Some storytellers describe an experience, usually via an adventure. Some writers talk about…
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