A Leaky RoofJohn Ink2Quillwww.ink2quill.com There’s a story theme that has existed for a long time. It starts off with the protagonist(s) in a dire situation. It might be a looming snow storm, a sinking ship, a literary deadline, a plane falling from the sky, pick any looming climate crisis, and any other situation I cannot…
I2Q Blogs / Opinions / Stories AI / ink2quill / john / opinion / quill / story /
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I2Q Blogs / Stories clementia / corky / ink2quill / john / quill / story /
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I2Q Blogs / Stories 120 / AI / evironmental / galen / ink2quill / john / quill /
The Antennaewritten by John Ink2Quillwww.ink2quill.com A.I. Dana (V.O.) The A.I. Interface turns on. It’s a planet like so many others Eric and I have surveyed with a landscape frozen in time and icy winds unbreathable to Eric and any other people. This is a place in eternal night with constellations yet to be imagined by…
A Long Way HomeWritten by John Ink2Quillwww.ink2quill.com EXT. Recently charted small planet Lestat 1 – NIGHT. Galactic cartographer ERIC OMFANA stares up at a sky that resembles the night time sky of Earth of decades ago with twinkling stars and shooting stars that wiz by every so often. There is one pulsating star that is…
I2Q Blogs / Stories ink2quill / john / mystery / quill / thriller /
A Choice Of Lotteries – Part 4Written by John Ink2Quillwww.ink2quill.com A CHOICE OF LOTTERIES – PART 4 By John Ink2Quill INT. Milan Café – Day Nalime and Betty watch as the two agents confront Rusty. Two men dressed in black suits stood in front of Rusty with only a round table between them while the…
A Choice of Lotteries – Part 3Written by John Ink2Quillwww.ink2quill.com Milan’ s had few customers on days like today when nice weather graced our city. It had the desolate feel of a business soon to open and fill with customers or a business soon to close its doors for good. Such was the effect of…
I2Q Blogs / Stories ink2quill / john / lottery / quill / story /
A Choice of Lotteries – Part 2Written by John Ink2Quillwww.ink2quill.com A gust of cool air welcomed us like it did most hot days at the Milan Cafe with the owner, Rusty, wiping down tables like a regular employee. He waved to us from across the room and pointed to a pair of armchairs so plush…
I2Q Blogs / Stories ink2quill / john / lottery / quill / scifi / story /