January 14, 2021 by admin_name

written by Michael David Ares
“Dayfall” is an action, murder mystery, scifi novel written by Michael David Ares.
“Dayfall” takes place on the east coast of the U.S. in the not-too-distant future where a nuclear conflict has sent ash into the atmosphere and rendered part of the world perpetually dark. `The flagger´, as it was known, was a result of the nuclear exchange on the other side of the world. The story begins with detective Jon Phillips chasing down a serial killer, known as the Full Moon Killer, in a Philadelphia cemetery and eventually killing him out of self defense. He is badly wounded and recovers to find that he broke some kind of protocol in spite of his bravery and dedication. But there is an up side to things besides the fact that he is alive. Police Commissioner of Philadelphia Anton Versa is the only person to visit him in the hospital and tells him of a job waiting for him in New York City.
Unlike Philadelphia where Jon is from, the New York City of the story is a place that suffered major flooding, a drop in population, a drop in usable city space (because places like Central Park have become homeless camps), and above all it is submerges in perpetual darkness form the event called `the flagger´. Life in the Big Apple has changed along with people´s internal clocks. UV lamps are set up in certain places to have green lawns and the famous Flatiron Building seems to be the new center of the city replacing areas like Times Square. I did not know for example that the Flatiron Building was once the tallest building in New York.
I loved the way the author had an extensive knowledge of New York City and incorporated it into the story. I found it easy to visualize the protagonist´s moves and follow the story. I only wish he gave us more descriptions of what life in perpetual night was like. I would have added in the occasional ash rain but that is just me.
Jon Phillips is a lonely character without real family, friends and he works alone. Growing up he took inspiration from his favorite private detective series, Raymond Chandler books. He is a very focused and driven in his job like a blood hound.
The story takes many twists and turns but what I liked most of the story was the idea for the setting. A New York City that does not get sunlight was just brilliant. A perpetually dark city and the lifestyles people had was a master stroke. Everybody has heard about New York City nightlife but what if that was the case all the time? This is the question I suspect the author asked themselves. So, with the ever present night comes increased crime. Add to this a serial killer, political machinations and you have the chaos Jon signs up for.
I liked “Dayfall” for its original idea and the vision of a New York City that could be waiting for us if we do not get our act together.
John Ink2Quill

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