Endless Interviews

June 6, 2024 by admin_name

Endless Interviews
John Ink2Quill

All of the biggest and least known websites have them. They are on TV, streaming services and of course everywhere online. I’m not making this article a riddle. We all know what I’m talking about because we’ve all watched them. Yes. The answer is in the title. Interviews. That form of entertainment and sometimes news that we all enjoy from time to time. Whether it’s a famous movie star, politician, whistleblower or whatever. We all have our favorite people to watch. This new phenomenon has grown incredibly since the emergence of the podcast. And it has confirmed that we really do live in interesting times.

In the old days of radio people huddled around their radios and listened to their favorite interviews. There was no image of course in those days but the interest lay in the words and information that was coming across the airways. The coming of images pushed radio to the side as the main source of entertainment to the masses but never completely killed it. Movies, TV and eventually dominated the entertainment scene. But a strange thing has happened. That strange thing is the re-emergence of the spoken word as a medium of entertainment adopted by the masses. Just like in the days of radio people today are now drawn to entertainment and news provided by the spoken word. Sure, there are some interviews with images or short video clips added into it but for the most part it is a mostly, if not purely, a spoken medium of entertainment, and it is thriving.

This emergence of the interview, radio style talk show of entertainment, will continue to have a huge impact on society and the world as a whole. Think of how people’s opinions, spending habits, beliefs and choices in life are impacted by their favorite interviews listened to. The individual today feels more informed, and probably is, than at any other time in history. They say that in the 17th Century Europe the average person never left the 30km radius of the area they were born. They also say that the average daily issue of the New York Times contained the sum total of a person’s life experience in the 17th Century. Yes. People were that isolated. Now, today those barriers no longer exist and so the average person is free to gobble up all the knowledge and connection they please. And I do believe that the day of the widespread interview makes for a smarter more connected person. Now, in the whole, is that a good or bad thing? Who knows? But the facts remain. The individual today is so much more connected into the hive mind of technology. Human connections are good. We grow in so many ways from our connections with each other.

It isn’t just the widespread nature of the interview today, it is the sheer volume of content and topics of those interviews. There are talks and opinions on the most remote, obscure topics you can imagine. There are quacks and deluded people who push their theories as proven facts. But, if you push past that nonsense you will find some very interesting content. My latest interest is the study of gravity and the groups of people who talk about mapping the gravity reliefs around the world and in our Solar System. That is a truly fascinating topic that attracts some people with very good ideas and opinions. But I digress.

I was going to list a few of the interviews that I found interesting but decided against it. Part of finding your place in this universe of interviews is to have your own favorite topics and people to hear. So, I will not influence anyone on this. Finding you way, the journey so to speak, is part of the enjoyment. That’s my rambling for today!

John Ink2Quill

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