From All Accounts

August 1, 2024 by admin_name

From All Accounts – The Costs of AI
John Ink2Quill

From all accounts the cost of everything is going up. From all accounts, the cost of AI for companies who make, and maintain them is going up. So, what’s the problem? Or, more precisely, what’s the reason for a general increase in the cost of AI directed at the consumer? Well they say that people aren’t using AI enough. Some companies are saying that AI have not caught on the way companies expected. People aren’t dependent on AI yet. It was predicted that people would be dependent on AI the way the car, the computer and the smart have. But this has not happened yet. So, the question is why not?

I think that the importance of AI is still growing and will continue to grow. Think of all the places that AI now inhabits. Search engines like Google, Microsoft, translation software, bank software, etc. AI exists in too many aspects of technology now to think that it is somehow going away or is diminishing in its spread and impact in our societies.

So, how will the cost of AI diminish for companies? Firstly, I think companies need to stop thinking along the lines of the subscription model. They need to stop thinking that they will make money through AI with subscriptions. There is a general dissatisfaction from the consumer with the subscription model. People feel, more and more, that they are being nickel and dimed by companies that demand subscription fees, because $5 turns to $10 turns to $80 per month with frightening ease. Secondly, is that companies need to think in terms of cost cutting so tasks done by people can now be done by AI at a faster and much more numerous in number quantity. This will translate into enormous saving and possibly faster times.

I think companies need to stop whining about AI and any costs with it because it really is the goose that lays the golden eggs. And whatever investments to make sure it continues to grow are being done by countries around the world who hope to gain an edge with it. There is a race to grow AI in the markets.

John Ink2Quill

I2Q Blogs / Opinions AI / ink2quill / john / opinion / quill /


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