June 24, 2021 by admin_name

released 2000
“Gladiator” is an American, historical, action, drama produced by Douglas Wick, David Franzoni, Branko Lustig and directed by Ridley Scott. It was written by David Franzoni, John Logan and William Nicholson. It stars Richard Harris, Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Oliver Reed, Derek Jacobi, Djimon Hounsou, David Schofield, John Shrapnel, Tomas Arana, Ralf Moeller, Spencer Treat Clark, Giannina Facio, David Hemmings, Tommy Flanagan, Sven-Ole Thorsen, Omid Djalili, Chris Kell, Nicholas McGaughey. The film is inspired by the novel “Those About To Die” and “The Way Of The Gladiatot”, written by Daniel P. Mannix.
“Gladiator” is the story of a loved and capable, fictional general Maximus Decimus Meridius, played by Russell Crowe, under the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, played by Richard Harris, around the time of 180A.D. General Meridius is set to go home after a brutal battle against the Germanic tribes near the Danube and a long career. Emperor Marcus Aurelius confides in his trusted general that his son Commodus, played by Joaquin Phoenix, is unfit to rule. Keep in mind that the real Emperor Aurelius was a stoic and called the last of Ancient Romes “5 good emperors” and the last emperor of the period known as the Pax Romana. Commodus, upon hearting his father´s opinions of him, kills him and takes power. General Meridius does not accept Commodus´ ascension to power flees his arrest to save his family. When he arrives home his farm is in ruins and his family is murdered. General Maximus Decimus Meridius sets out on a path of revenge.
This story is clearly historical fiction with fair doses of reality heaped in. The real Commodus accompanied his father Emperor Marcus Aurelius on war campaigns but also fought as a gladiator in the ring. Yes, even today that sounds strange. What I think, as far as the relationship between father and son went, was that Commodus was not properly groomed for the role of emperor. That means many things like making sure he had good friends to help him run things as well as instilling good qualities of hard work and taking the problems of the empire seriously.
One thing I thought was brilliant in the story was the way General Meridius was so talented in the arena and that makes sense. He reached the highest levels in the Roman Army and so the gladiatorial ring was no match. Also, he knew of Commodus´ love of the ring and how Commodus was probably better at watching gladiator matches than actually fighting in them. Seeing the emperor fight in the ring, probably with his bodyguards around him in a fixed fight, should have really seemed anticlimactic and phony.
There are so many flaws with this film but that is the case with nearly all historical films. That, however, does not keep it from being a good film. It´s a revenge yarn with a lot of action set in a time and place we, in the West, still wonder about, no matter how many good films set in that time and place there are. Ultimately, General Meridius is someone the viewer can relate to. He´s hard working, good at what he does, a patriot, family man and highly moral person. When you combine all those qualities in a hero you just know that he will win. We, the viewer, only ask how he will manage such a huge journey.
So, check out the film “Gladiator” because it´s a good watch.
John Ink2Quill

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