Happy New Year!!!

January 3, 2019 by admin_name

Happy New Year

Let me start by saying Happy New Years! With the cycle of a new year just beginning and the discussion of resolutions and change still in the air what more can be said on this topic? Is this a post where new years resolutions will be rambled on about like in previous years? What is happening to the institution of New Year´s resolutions?

I want to start by saying that new years resolutions are a brilliant invention. They are a sorely needed ritual in our culture if for no other reason than to promote introspection. They offer us a chance to create life changes for the better. Now the standard resolutions are to loss weight, get up earlier, pay down debt, exercise, eat better, visit family more often etc. Those are all great changes but I´m starting to believe that our ritual for self betterment is undergoing serious cultural changes. It´s not disappearing it´s just changing with the times.

Let me explain. The institution of new years resolutions is safe and sound. I´m sure that next year I´ll be writing another blog post on new years resolutions like I´m doing now and new years resolutions will still be the topic of conversations all over the ether. But what I think is that resolutions are becoming more and more a thing of acquiring new skill sets and less a decision on other things. So maybe new years resolutions in years to come will be a list of new skill sets to be learned, like a new computer or spoken language or learning to play an instrument and the list goes on. I see this change because we live in a time where the population of freelance workers and people working from home will continue to increase. Sure, making healthy changes in your life will always be important for us people in the modern age but the importance of a person´s skill sets will only become a more relevant topic of discussion in the ether or the sidewalk.

So, what skill sets will you be acquiring this year? I find the strangest ones are the most interesting.


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