Health Today
August 29, 2024 by admin_name

Health Today
John Ink2Quill
The changing face of… our health today. What is the changing face of health today? People’s in general today has helped some people live longer and healthier than ever before in recorded history. Medical breakthroughs, technological advances and data accumulation on an unprecedented scale of all things concerning health has made it possible for people to live longer. We know this.
But, what does health today really mean? The answer to that question is a lot more nuanced and tricky than it might first seem. From the point of view of the individual, a person’s health, is at the center of their quality of life. It’s how they feel and what they can do with their days. For example, can they go for a 5 mile jog or does their back hurt? Do a person have to take medication(s) when they get up or throughout the day or not? Do they go about their day in pain or with some physical restriction or not? That is a very big deal.
What about health from the point of view of pharmaceutical companies? Health from the point of view of any business is the profit it can generate and the allowance of said business to operate. So, from the point of view of pharmaceutical companies, you could almost say that health can be boiled down to a number, or several numbers. I imagine that companies involved in our health are going to look for faster more efficient ways of doing business.
The truth is that as a storyteller of mostly the scifi genre, at the center of a dystopian society would be a person’s access to a good health care system. A well run society would be one where a person could take care of themselves and have basic liberties. Not matter what the numbers and statistics say one of the pillars of any society that claims to be functional and non dystopic is the individual’s access to health care and basic resources.
So, a good element for creating a dystopic world would have to be one where the individual is faced with health dangers. The of the classics like “1984”, “A Brave New World”, “A Handmaid’s Tale” and so many others.
That’s all the ramblings I’ve got for today.
John Ink2Quill
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