How Quickly Will We Move Out?

June 3, 2021 by admin_name

How quickly will we move out into space?
Ink2Quill Editorial

Now that is a legitimate question we all should be asking? The mainstream media only brushes the topic ocassionally while the independent media does not seem to have access to the full story or complete information on any outer terrestrial trips being planned or underway. But we have a right to be curious. Wouldn´t it be so exciting if we got news reports or honest blogs on the goings on of space travelers. Wouldn´t it be exciting to hear how their jobs were going and what kind of jobs they were doing? The trials and tribulations of space travelers would be better than any reality, stream or corporate TV shows out there. If streaming services are looking for content, well here it is.

So, how would the soon to be space travelers live? That would be a good first question. To answer that, I have to think that their living quarters would be pretty much like our apartments today, maybe smaller, maybe even bigger. I imagine that they would have all the latest gadgets like computers, smart apartment computers that would run things, fancy screens of all kinds from the holographic to the wall mount. Microwaves would still be around, in one form or another. I´m thinking of also having sonic showers instead of only water showers because water might become an expensive thing for those traveling the stars. Every apartment might also have some kind of recycling shute because that would become so much more profitable than it is today.

How about jobs. Yes outer terrestrial employment. What would that be like? Well, in spite of robotization there might still be quite a few jobs that are dangerous. Most jobs would probably require a higher technical competence than what most people have today but that´s simple enough to learn. We would also accept the fact that most of our days as a outer terrestrial worker would be spent under some kind of surveillance. A computer system would probably be monitoring us everywhere we went at most or all times of the day for our safety but, truth be told, it´s surveillance. We would probably also be required to get certain vaccines and organic upgrades which might include technological implants of some kind sprinkled in low key. Testing for competence would probably play only a small role for employment seekers because tests are really only useful at the extreme ends of any competence range.

What about socializing? How would it be different? Now that is a good question. What new laws and social norms would arise from this different environment is really a good topic to ponder. Say would it become illegal for a colonist or space crew worker to be assigned on missions away from their significant other for long periods of time? Or would such a population be required by law to join social clubs to make sure they get a healthy amount of socialization during the week? It´s a real possibility. And how would this population get access to the vices? Now that´s an interesting question.

What about danger? What are some of the things to think about for the outer terrestrial workers besides the obvious psychological stressers? Now there´s gravity for starters. Our bodies are designed to thrive in a narrow range of gravity. Same thing with radiation. Passing through certain regions of space or simply the solar winds could bring radiation levels of all kinds. What about floating debris… of all sizes? Sure asteroids are easy enough to spot but what about space dust moving very quickly?

These are all things to consider soon enough.

John Ink2Quill

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