In Mourning
November 5, 2015 by admin_name
In Mourning
I2Q November 2015 editorial
It´s hard to put ”loss” in words. We hear of other people´s loss and we see it in movies, blogs and TV programs but that´s the superficial experience of it. When it comes to life and living you cannot do it from a comfortable seat. Sure, there are movies and books that move us such as the classics ”A Tale of Two Cites” and ”Les Miserables”, but storytelling lacks the element of experiencing life and reality. We all forget this from time to time taking things for granted. Important things like our health and the ones we love. Not money, titles or trophies. Those are very distant seconds to what is most important in life.
I lost friends and coworkers in the Twin Towers on September 11th, 2001 and that was a big loss. I found out through emails and phone calls who made it out of the buildings on that day. The ones that answered me were still alive and those that didn´t weren´t. I was lucky enough to be in Boston on that day but many were not so fortunate. My parent´s friend from downstairs had to jump from a window on the lower floors and broke many bones in his body but he survived. My best friend Arthur saw the towers burning from his train ride from Queens and stepped off the train. Lucky for him he overslept.
Over the years people I know have died of terrorist attacks, combat, illness, accidents and old age. All of them were a loss. All of these people left holes in my life and I miss them. I realize that we are given wonderful things in life and as time passes those things are lost to us. So here we are, like sails in the tempest of life. Moving forward and losing our stitches as we go. Seeing new sights as we lose more thread. Occassionally a storm will tear at our sails and even leave holes, but we still move forward.
That is why it´s important to live a life rich of experience and to learn to love deeply and unconditionally because when it´s your time to go, It´s your time to go.
On November 1st, 2015 I suffered another such loss. Two of my sisters called me and broke the bad news. I really don´t know how else to say this but rest in peace.
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