July 19, 2018 by admin_name

released 2003
“Locke” is a American-British drama produced by Guy Heeley and Paul Webster. It was directed by Steven Knight, who also wrote it, and stars Tom Hardy as basically the only actor with everyone else as a voice on his phone. The voice actors include Olivia Coleman, Ruth Wilson, Andrew Scott, Ben Daniels, Tom Holland, Bill Milner, Danny Webb, Alice Lowe, Silas Carson, Lee Ross, Alice Cady and Kristy Dillon. This is a low key film that has passed under the radar of many folks but it is simple and brilliant.
“Locke” is the story of a construction manager named Ivan Locke, played by Tom Hardy, who tries to set things in his life straight while in his car. The whole story takes place in his car while he has telephone conversations with the different people in his career and private life. Yes, it´s that simple and it works.
It´s the story of an man who must juggle his career and the decisions he made in his private life regarding his family and acquaintances. On the one hand he is responsible for a massive construction project at his job, while on the other hand he must also make time for his family. That seems overwhelming and barely manageable until you throw in a pregnant acquaintance named Bethan, with the voice done by Olivia Coleman, who needs emotional support at the hospital when she is to give birth.
“Locke” sounds like a boring movie with a story too simple to keep anyone in their seats but that is not the case. I really loved this movie and could not shut it off. I found myself rooting for Ivan and worrying about Bethan. This also isn´t a story of a clever person solving their life problems with some kind of trick. Ivan has to deal with real consequences for his actions but follows the narrow road of integrity anyway. I can´t praise this film enough and I feel it is so relevant in this age of instantaneous communications and much more accessible transportation around the world.
“Locke” is a one of a kind film that is simple and well done. I personally think it´s Tom Hardy´s best work, and that´s saying something because he has done a lot of good films. So check it out and enjoy it folks.
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