January 17, 2019 by admin_name

This is a sci-fi film classic from the very dawn of the genre.
released 1927
“Metropolis” is an German scifi, drama, black and white, silent film produced by Erich Pommer and directed by Fritz Lang. It was written by Thea von Harbou, who also wrote the novel, and Fritz Lang. It stars Alfred Abel, Gustav Fröhlich, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Fritz Rasp, Theodor Loos, Erwin Biswanger, Heinrich George, Brigitte Helm, Helene Weigel, Hilde Woitcheff, Helen von Munchofen, Rolf von Goth, Erwin Vater, Olaf Storm, Henrietta Siodmark and many more great talents of that time.
“Metropoplis” takes place in the future and is the story of a young privileged Freder, played by Gustav Frohlich, who gets a glimpse at how the other half lives, so to speak, and wants to see more. It all begins when he spots the beautiful Maria, played by Brigitte Helm. Freder is the son of the city´s master Joh Fredersen, played by Alfred Abel, and so enjoys a charmed but dull life. His journey of discovery will lead him on a path where he will witness worker dissatisfaction, a genius named Rotwang, an amazing robot and the real turmoil that stirs in the bowels of the city.
“Metropolis” is as a story that takes place in the seemingly Utopian city of Metropolis in the future. The city of Metropolis is a place with fantastic technologies and achievements but it is built on the backs of its oppressed citizens. So, Metropolis is far from being an actual Utopia. Freder is a man born into privilege who enjoys the best of what this society has to offer. He has no challenges or struggles and that makes him restless. His journey to the truth begins with the chance encounter of a woman named Maria.
This is a film that revolutionized the world of the roaring twenties with its special effects and world building. It pushed the envelop of world building in film and its vision of the future. It is a block buster of its time, although I don´t know if it was the first in its genre. I loved the Jules Vernian feel of the film some might describe as cyberpunk like. Underneath its awe inspiring grandness, the city of Metropolis is in dire need of social change with problems that need immediate attention.
Don´t forget the famous robot that the film is known for. Even today it is a marvel to look at and its likeness has been used in many films decades later. (Think of Blockbusters like Star Wars). In the story the female looking robot was built by the brilliant C.A. Rotwang, played by Rudolf Klein-Rogge, who wanted to resurrect the woman he loved named Hel who happened to be Freder´s mother. Hel died giving birth to freder. I believe, and I may be wrong, that this was the first time a robot was shown in a sci-fi film blockbuster.
“Metropolis” is a sci-fi classic for good reasons and is worth the watch. So go check it out folks.

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