December 6, 2013 by admin_name

released 2013
I have to say that the movie “Oblivion´´ was surprisingly very good. If you like Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman, if you like sci-fi movies with an unraveling mystery and a theme of questioning invisible authority then you´ll love this movie. It was well done and beautiful to watch with environmental themes such as the camera shots of an exploited, war-torn Earth. You also want to check out the website because it is probably the best and most beautiful website ever made for a film.
I really think that Tom Cruise put some of his personal beliefs into the script of this movie too. In any case, like many good sci-fi movies the story contains relevant universal themes wrapped in a beautiful film.
What I find likeable in the character of Jack Harper (played by Tom Cruise) is his curious nature and love for a tiny plot of land by a lake around the eastern coast of the US. In spite of the fact he is told that the Earth is best abandoned he still cherishes his time at his cabin and would rather live there than move to Titan. It´s this love of a little corner of our planet that makes him question the larger picture of his reality. Sally, the supervisor from the large ship called the `Tet´ orbiting the planet, and Victoria `Vika´, his partner, are stale and robotic characters with little depth. Sally and Victoria are just dull. Victoria does not have any of Jack´s curiosity or rebellious nature. Because of Sally´s demeanor we could conclude that the Tet is a machine from the start of the movie.
The story is simple. The Tet is ruining Earth by pilaging all the water and hunting down the last human survivors whom they call “Scavs´´. Jack and Victoria are promised a better life on Titan and don´t know that the scavs are people and not invaders from space.
I feel the themes such as the dangers of invisible authority and environmental exploitation will become more commonplace in books and mainstream movies as Hollywood tries to keep up with what is happening in society today. In this respect I think that “Oblivion´´ is a trend setting movie.
So Tom, Morgan and Olga `ya dun good´. read less
(commentary by www.ink2quill.com)
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Yeah, Oblivion was a great movie. There´s also the theme that most of us would blindly follow authority, even to our deaths. Like that Victoria because there was no Titan colony.