December 12, 2013 by admin_name

released 2012
This film was directed by Ridley Scott and stars many capable actors such as the Swedish actrice Noomi Rapace and Guy Pearce, Michael Fassbender, Idris Elba and Logan Marshal-Green. Check out the website because it is beautiful and well put together.
It is a beautiful film to watch and is definitely worth seeing. Ridley Scott is known for producing visually stunning films and he has matched his skills to an excellent script. The story is fantastic. A good story can have you question preconceived ideas you considered truths and certain aspects of human nature that are easily ignored and this movie does just that.
There are the big questions such as: What is humanity´s history? What would a technologically superior, humanoid race be like? More importantly are the questions we ask ourselves such as. How would we treat a creation we created through technology?
The idea that intelligent beings can fear and hate their creation is a common story line in books such as Frankenstein and it is present in this movie. It is a story line at least as old as ancient mythology, predating even Greek and Egyptian mythology.
In the movie “Prometheus´´ the robot David is not impressed with his creators as the Engineers are not impressed with humanity. When asked why he was created, David receives the answer “…because we could do it.´´. David´s reaction is one of understandable shock and he even seems offended, if not angry.
In many ways, David is not impressed with humanity and seeks a worthy creator to acknowledge and that could be one of the reasons he leaves for the Engineers home world. David is clearly the most lucid, lonely and possibly capable character. He may understand the entire situation better than anybody.
The hubris of humanity will ask their technological creations to do slave tasks while expecting their creators to treat them like their beloved children and solve their problems (immortality, physical enhancements, knowledge etc). The engineers think of humanity the way humanity thinks of its robots.
The Engineers seemed to have stumbled on a genetic doomsday technology and want to limit any unintended damages this technology might cause them. Humanity is seen as some of that unintended damage and should be wiped out (according to the Engineers).
The mounds that the landing party discovered were actually munitions storage facilities. The Engineers go around the galaxy experimenting with life creation via genetic technology that turns out to be extremely volatile and dangerous.
It is a telling reaction when the Engineer at the end of the movie goes bezerk as he finds out he is in front of humans. His reaction is extreme and violent. He tries to kill them immediately. The Engineers despise humanity.
So the questions we, as humanity, will have to ask ourselves as we become better at creating and manipulating life is what is our responsibility to the life we create? And if life can be manipulated and toyed with and even weaponized then we must ask if there is anything left that is sacred to us?
This is really a fantastic film with the only flaw that it was too edited to maintain story flow. It should be a trilogy. I highly recommend this movie.
(commentary by
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