Juror #2Released 2024www.ink2quill.com “Juror #2” is a courtroom drama, thriller produced by Jeremy Bell, David M. Bernstein, Clint Eastwood, Ellen Goldsmith-Vein, Adam Goodman, Peter Oberth, Matt Skiena, Tim Moore and Jessica Meier. It was directed by Clint Eastwood and the screenplay was written by Jonathan A. Abrams. It stars Nicholas Hoult, Zoey Deutch, Megan Meiduch,…
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly released 1966 “The Good, The Bad And The Ugly” is a classic Italian film in the western genre that takes place during the American Civil War. It was directed by Sergio Leone and produced by Alberto Grimaldi. The music was written by Ennio Morricone and boasts one of…