Fargoreleased 1996www.ink2quill “Fargo” is an American, crime, sinister comedy, thriller produced, directed and written by the Coen Brothers, Joel and Ethan Coen. It stars William H. Macy, Steve Buscemi, Kristin Rudrud, Peter Stormare, Harve Presnell, Tony Denman, Gary Houston, Sally Wingert, Kurt Schweickhardt, Larissa Kokernot, Melissa Peterman, Steve Reevis, Warren Keith, Steve Edelman, Sharon Anderson,…
No Country For Old Menreleased 2007www.ink2quill.com “No Country For Old Men” is an American, crime, thriller, action film directed by the Coen Brothers, Joel and Ethan Coen,.who also wrote the screenplay. It is based on Cormac McCarthy´s novel of the same name and is produced by Scott Rudin, Ethan and Joel Coen. It stars Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem,…