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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Raised By Wolvesreleased “Raised By Wolves” is an American, scifi, survivalist drama, produced by Heather Bellson, Chris Cheramie, Jon Kuyper, Jordan Sheehan, David W. Zucker, Karen Campbell, Mark Huffam, Aaron Guzikowski and Ridley Scott. It was directed by Luke Scott, Alex Gabassi, Sergio Mimica-Gezzan, James Hawes and Ridley Scott. It was written by Aaron…
Before The Coffee Gets Coldwritten by Toshikazu “Before The Coffee Gets Cold” is a scifi, drama, novel translated by Geoffrey Trousselot and written by the Japanese author Toshikazu Kawaguchi. Before The Coffee Gets Cold Goodreads webpage Before The Coffee Gets Cold Amazon webpage “Before The Coffee Gets Cold” takes place in a coffee shop…
The Poison Rosereleased “The Poison Rose” (known internationally as “Eye For An Eye”) is an American, detective story, mystery inspired from the classic film noir produced by Barry Brooker, Anson Downes, Jeff Elliott, Linda Favila, Oscar Generale, Andrey Georgiev, Tony Grazia, Andrea Iervolino, Avi Lerner, Danielle Maloni, David E. Ornston, Richard Salvatore, Stan Wertlieb…
Undonereleased “Undone” is an American, comedy, drama, adult animation, TV series on Amazon Prime created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg and Kate Purdy, who also wrote it, and also written by Lauren Otero, Elijah Aron and Joanna Calo. It was directed by Hisko Hulsing and stars Rosa Salazar, Angelique Cabral, Constance Marie, Siddharth Dhananjay, Daveed Diggs,…
What To Do With Our Moon?October 2020 What do we do with our Moon? Now that is a big question. Assuming we´re smart enough to realize that the Moon is not a good place for the theater of war the possibilities are indeed endless. So, let´s give this question a ponder. Firstly, is the…
The Good Sheperdreleased “The Good Sheperd” is an American, spy drama, historical film produced by Chris Brigham, Francis Ford Coppola, Robert De Niro, Andy Fraser, Howard Kaplan, Guy McElwaine, Lorena Reyes, David Robinson, James G. Robinson and Jane Rosenthal. It was written by Eric Roth and directed by Robert De Niro, who also starred…