Nine Perfect Strangersreleased “Nine Perfect Strangers” is an American mystery, suspense, drama streaming series produced by Nicole Kidman, Molly Allen, Gillian Bohrer, John-Henry Butterworth, T. Rafael Cimino, Steve Hutensky, David E. Kelley, Jonathan Levine, Jodi Matterson, Melissa McCarthy, Liane Moriarty, Bruna Papandrea, Mark Rodgers, Per Saari, Jessica Sharzer, Lori Slomka, Samantha Strauss, Mathew Tinker,…
Severancereleased “Severance” is an American, scifi, thriller, mystery produced by Mohamad el Masri, Gerry Robert Byrne, John Cameron, Jackie Cohn, Andrew Colville, Dan Erickson, Jill Footlick, Paul Leonardo Jr., Aoif McArdle, Katie Pruitt, Nicholas Weinstock, Mark Friedman, Chris Black and Adam Scott. It was directed by Aoif McArdle and written by … and stars…
Only Murders In The Buildingreleased “Only Murders In The Building” is an American, comedy, murder, mystery, streaming mini-series created by Steve Martin and John Hoffman who also contributed with the writing along with Madeleine George, Stephen Markley, Ben Philippe, Kristin Newman, Thembi Banks, Matteo Borghese, Rachel Burger, Kirker Butler, Kim Rosenstock, Ben Smith and…
Seven realeased 1995 “Seven” is a neo-noir, horror, thriller with elements of psychological thriller. It was produced by Arnold Kopelson and Phyllis Carlyle and was directed by David Fincher. It was written by Andrew Kevin Walker and stars Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kevin Spacey, Daniel Zacapa, Andrew Kevin Walker, John Cassini, Bob…