DelicieuxDeliciousreleased “Delicieux / Delicious” is a French, historical fiction, comedy film produced by Philip Boeffard, Patrick Quinet and Christophe Rossignon and directed by Nicolas Boukhrief and Eric Besnard who also wrote the screenplay. It stars Gregory Gadebois, Isabelle Carre, Benjamin Lavernhe, Guillaume de Tonqedec, Christian Bouillette, Lorenzo Lefebvre, Marie-Julie Baup, Laurent Bateau, Manon Combes,…
Nopereleased “Nope” is an American, Scifi, partly comedic, horror film produced by Ian Cooper, Robert Graf, Jordan Peele, Win Rosenfeld, David Torres and Karen Ruth Getchell. It was directed and written by Jordan Peele and stars Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer, Brandon Perea, Michael Wincott, Steven Yuen, Wrenn Schmidt, Keith David, Devon Graye, Terry Notary,…
Sequels And ExpectationsJohn Ink2Quill August 2022 It is an acknowledged fact that Hollywood, the entertainment industry in the US and probably the world, is great at distributing movies and shows and less gifted at creating quality entertainment. This is true of Bollywood, Nigerwood and even the Chinese Entertainment Industry (of which they all produce…
The Lost Cityreleased “The Lost City” is an American, action, romance, adventure, treasure hunting film that is essentially a love story. It was produced by Margaret Chernin, Sandra Bullock, Liza Chasin, Julia Gunn, Jonathan Hook, Seth Gordon and Charlie Endean. It was written by Seth Gordon, Oren Uziel, Dana Fox, and Adam and Aaron…
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Happy 4th of So here we are again for my July editorial and it should be no surprise that I post The U.S. Constitution, as always. I do this because it is such an important document. It is one of our nation´s finest achievements we can be proud of and in these times it…
Comic Book CharactersInk2Quill Here are some characters from a NYC comic book convention I attended. John Ink2Quill
The Scorereleased “The Score” is an American, action, heist film produced by Gary Foster, Dieter Meyer, Roland Pellegrino, Adam Platnik, Lee Rich and Bernard `Bernie´ Williams. It was directed by Frank Oz and written by Daniel E. Taylor, Kario salem, Lem Dobbs and Scott Marshall Smith. It stars Robert De Niro, Edward Norton, Marlon…
The Omenreleased “The Omen” is an American, horror, mystery, supernatural thriller produced by Harvey Bernhard, Mace Neufeld and Charles Orme. It was directed by Richard Donner and written by David Seltzer. It stars Gregory Peck, Lee Remick, David Warner, Billie Whitelaw, Harvey Stephens, Patrick Troughton, Martin Benson, Robert Rietty, Tommy Duggan, John Stride, Anthony…