In The AbyssWritten by H. G. “In The Abyss” is a short story written by one of the Founding People of the Sci-Fi genre, Mr. H. G. Wells himself. It was published in 1897. Other Founding People of the Sci-Fi genre include Mary Shelley, Jules Verne, William Hope Hodgson, Kepler, Edgar Allan Poe, H….
The StarWritten by Herbert George “The Star” is a post apocalyptic, sci-fi story by one of the fathers of the sci-fi genre Mr. H. G. Wells himself. It was published in 1897 but like a true classic it has not aged. It is not as well known as the authors works but it is…
Humanity’s Biggest ThreatJohn Ink2Quill This opinion is really meant to give an inspiration for anybody constructing a story. So many stories nowadays are trite and contrived. The Sci-fi genre is well known for exploring the various threats the human race faces in the offing. The grandmasters in the genre like H.G. Wells spoke of…
The Crystal Eggwritten by H. G. “The Crystal Egg” is a scifi, short story written by the father of scifi himself H. G. Wells and published in 1897. The other writer that can be called the father of scifi is Jules Verne and the mother of scifi, or at least one of them, would…
Epidemics To PandemicsMarch 2020 Current events have taught us in the Western World that epidemics can quickly grow to become pandemics. This is as true today as it was in ancient days. We´ve all heard of The Black Plague in the year 1331 in the Middle Ages and how it wiped out a third…
All Systems RedThe Murderbot DiariesWritten by Martha “All Systems Red: book 1 of the Murderbot Series” is a novella, scifi series written by the American author Martha Wells. The cover artist is done by artist Jaime Jones and it was first published in 2017. It is the recipient of many prestigious awards for a…
Why Sci-Fi? December 2017 ink2quill editorial I know that many readers and non readers don´t understand the draw that the sci-fi genre has. They see it as a childish phase in Reading that passes as you age. So let me explain to those people what draws me to the sci-fi genre. Firstly, let me…
The War Of The Worlds written by H.G. Wells “The War Of the Worlds” is a science fiction masterpiece written by the English writer H.G. Wells. It first appeared around 1897 and first appeared in London, in hardcover a year later. Credit to the first person to publish this magnificent work should be given and his…
(released 2002) The 2002 version of ”The Time Machine” was loosely adapted from the classic book of the same name by H.G. Wells. (It is important to state that there was another great version released in 1960). It was produced and directed, respectively, by Walter Parkes and Simon Wells and stars Guy Pearce, Samantha Mumba,…