The Bone Triangle

March 29, 2018 by admin_name

The Bone Triangle
Written by B. V. Larson

“The Bone Triangle” is a science fiction, fantasy, mystery, supernatural novel written by B. V. Larson and is the second book of The Unspeakable Things series.  The first book of The Unspeakable Things series is called “Technomancer”.

B. V. Larson website

Goodreads The Unspeakable Things webpage

B. V. Larson Order of books webpage

Fantastic fiction The Bone Triangle webpage

The Bone Triangle Amazon webpage

“The Bone Triangle” is the story of a supernatural crime detective named Quentin Draith who takes a case to find a runaway named Jacqueline Swanson who goes missing in Las Vegas. Now the world B. V. Larson paints for us is an interesting one of strange powers, strange creatures and portals to strange worlds. He does all this while fending off assassin after assassin. His case takes him to a shady part of Las Vegas known as The Bone Triangle where people are dying under strange and gruesome circumstances. As he digs deeper things get much more dangerous.

I did not read the first book of the series but had a good idea about the character and world the character lived in. This book is a wonderful blend of the sci-fi genre with fantasy and it reminds me a bit of the gumshoe detective stories of old. (The good ones). The main character is likeable with a good head on his shoulders and he is very capable. This is a story with more than one mystery that keeps the reader hooked while we root for Quentin. I also like this book because I feel that the sci-fi genre needs some fresh stories and new ideas like this one.

so pick up a copy or get a digital copy because it´s a fun read. I hope they make it into a TV miniseries to reach a broader audience.

Written by John

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