The Lost Room
March 5, 2020 by admin_name

The Lost Room
released 2006
“The Lost Room” is an American, scifi, action, TV miniseries produced by Richard Hatem, Christopher Leone, Laura Harkcom, Paul Workman, Peter Chomsky, Bill Hill and Paul Kurta. It was directed by Craig R. Baxley and Michael W. Watkins and was written by Laura Harkcom, Christopher Leone and Paul Workman. It stars Peter Krausse, Julianna Margulies, Margaret Cho, Ann Cusack, Peter Jacobson, Dennis Christopher, April Grace, Elle Fanning, Kevin Pollak, Benjamin Petry, Jason Douglas, Chris Bauer, Harriet Sanson-Harris, Roger Bart, Nicholas Guilak, Esodie Geiger, Byron Laurie, Brian Keith Gamble, J. Nathan Simmons, Ewen Bremner, Tim Guinee, Jorge-Luis Pallo and many others.
“The Lost Room” is a TV miniseries like none other I have seen before. A synopsis of the story makes it sound simple. Detective Joe Miller, played by Peter Krausse, is looking for his daughter Anna who disappeared inside a mysterious motel room. That´s where the simplicity ends though because, as it turns out, the room is outside of space and time. It occupies many different places at once and you can access it only with a key. To add to the complexity of the story items from that very motel room have strange powers. The strangeness of this story make it a really fun watch.
TV or online media could always use a good story, an original story, and this one fits those criteria. It is much more than your garden variety detective tale because the mystery is so strange. It is also a fresh idea for the sci-fi genre, which is in dire need of fresh ideas. Not to mention that I could not help but respect the characters´motivations, even the villain had redeeming qualities. I also liked the backstory of the room, although I wish they delved a little deeper into it.
“The Lost Room” is a fun watch and good storytelling. So check it out.

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