
August 5, 2021 by admin_name

Mining For Viewers
August 2021

Nowdays the entertainment industries around the world whether its Hollywood, Bollywood, Nigerwood or the Chinese Entertainment Industry (I don´t know what it´s called) have millions upon millions of fans, viewers because they have so many projects that they work on and fund every year. Hollywood alone puts out some 500 films a year but makes its bread and butter from only a small amount of those films. Streaming services have only increased the amount of content, good content even, for fans to gorge themselves on. The amount of inexpensive content in the US seems to only grow every year. There is just so much good content in the US from the streaming services alone. I do not have enough hours in my day to forage through it all or even watch the good content I find. That is why word of mouth is so wonderful. I find it to be the best filter of good content out there. So what is a good way to grab viewers besides word of mouth?

THe answer to that question is as simple as can be. The entertainment industries have been doing it for the past century. Longer even. In the old days of monarchies what was considered good content was dictated by the royal families and that´s why choice was so limited. That of all the talented musicians, painters, mummers and writers who were blocked from sharing their talents with society. What a shame.

Things are different now. Many of the walls that kept the creative people from their fans have come down thanks to technology and the hunger we the consumer have at good content that is new. Now there are drawbacks like the fact that movies, music and other content ages much faster than it did as early as 40 years ago. It´s a little like a runaway train if you compare the speed of content coming out with the apatite for demand of that content and how the content creation has seriously outpaced the possibility of consumption by consumers. I could not possibly watch all the good new shows, films or books that come out every year.

I admit that the viewer of today is far more spoiled than in any other time in history. Where will this end? How will this industry dynamic find balance?

John Ink2Quill

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